aʔǰɛmaθot (Davis Paul McKenzie)
aʔǰɛmaθot is a member of the VCH Board of Directors, a citizen of the Tla'amin Nation and Chairperson of the Tla'amin Nation's Finance Committee.
A citizen of the Tla'amin Nation and Chairperson of the Nation's Finance Committee, Davis represents the needs and priorities of the Tla'amin Peoples and works to honour the success of their dear ancestors. On behalf of the Nation, he has led administrative investigations with restorative intent, centred in Indigenous worldview.
Davis established the communications program at the First Nations Health Authority from 2008 to 2019, and is now Principal of Toxw Oxw, Becoming Clear, Communications specializing in health care communications, anti-racism and cultural safety for First Nations communities and Indigenous organizations. Davis is an instructor at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and holds a Master of Communication Management from McMaster and Syracuse Universities.
In 2022, he was awarded the emerging open scholar award by the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI) and co-authored the 2019 UBC Press publication As I Remember It: Teachings from the Life of a Sliammon Elder.