If you are 13 years old or older and have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence and/or human trafficking within the past 7 days, you can choose to access specialized care through the Forensic Nursing Services at the Lions Gate Hospital emergency department.

About this service

Lions Gate Hospital Forensic Nursing Services is led by a team of female Forensic Nurse Examiners who are trained in specialized care for any incident of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence and human trafficking.  

This gender-inclusive service is available to any consenting person ages 13 or older who has experienced any of these incidents within the last 7 days. After 7 days we will not be able to collect forensic samples, but our team can be present during your medical examination with a physician and provide follow-up community resources. 

This service is confidential. Our goal is to help people who have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence and/or human trafficking by offering non-judgemental medical care, resources, and medical-legal support, ensuring you get the care you need and are comfortable receiving. 

How to access

  • What to expect at the hospital

    What happened is not your fault. We are here to help guide you through this traumatic experience and regain control over your body. 

    1. Go to the emergency department at Lions Gate Hospital. When you arrive, go to the registration area. When you are asked for a reason why you’re visiting, you can respond “personal” or whatever you feel comfortable with. You will then be registered as a patient.  
    2. An Emergency Department Nurse or Physician will then see you to check for physical injuries to ensure you are safe. During this check, you do not have to tell us about the full incident. The Nurse or Physician will then offer you the option to see a Forensic Nurse or you can then ask to see one. 
    3. If you would like to see the Forensic Nurse, we will offer you a quiet, private room to wait for the Nurse to arrive, as they are not on site 24/7 but are on-call. We will also offer to contact a support person for you to wait with you until the Forensic Nurse arrives at the hospital. 
    4. The Forensic Nurse will come in to see you and listen to your report of the event. We will then ask your consent to one of the three options for care, based on what you prefer: 
      • Option 1: Medical care only. We will offer a physical assessment, medications to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection, immunizations, and address any concerns you may have. 
      • Option 2: Medical care and a forensic exam. During a forensic exam, we will collect swabs from relevant body parts with your consent. You may choose to provide urine, blood, and clothing samples. These samples and a forensic report will be stored for up to one year while you decide if you want to report the assault. 
      • Option 3: Medical care and a forensic examination which we can send directly to the RCMP or police for you. 

    You may be offered medications and information for follow-up and resources. The assessment may take a few hours to complete. We will assist with ensuring you have a safe place to go to after the examination.  

  • Additional contacts for immediate support

    For immediate support or if you would like to speak to someone about your experience, contact: 

    • 24-Hour Rape Crisis Line: (604) 872-8212 
    • Healthlink BC: 811 
    • Mental Health Crisis Line: 310-6789 
    • 1 800 SUICIDE: 1 (800) 784-2433 
    • VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808 
    • Police-Based Victim Services: (604) 885-5554 
    • Community-Based Victim Services: (604) 885-0322 
    • Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre at 604-255-6344 or 1-877-392-7583 
    • North Shore community resources:  
      • Hollyburn Community Services Society 
      • Foundry North Shore  
      • North Shore Family Services 
      • Options for Sexual Health  
      • West Vancouver Sexual Health Clinic 

Hours of operation

Currently open
  • Monday:   7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday:   7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday:   7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday:   7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Friday:   Closed
  • Saturday:   Closed
  • Sunday:   Closed

We are working to expand this service to 24/7 in the near future.  

Parking & transportation

Lions Gate Hospital is located on 231 East 15th Street in North Vancouver.

​Paid visitor parking is available in the hospital parkade on 15th Street, east of St. Georges Avenue.

For detailed information regarding parking, public transit and wheelchair accessibility, please review the LGH Patient & Family Handbook.

Download parking rates for VCH facilities.

Electric vehicle charging

Designated electric vehicle charging stations are available for patients and visitors. Charging is available for up to 4 hours at Level 2 stations and up to 1 hour at Level 3 stations. Please review our electric vehicle charging station etiquette for more information.

Electric vehicle charging stations at Lions Gate Hospital:

EV Charger Type Parking Stall Number
Level 1 Charger Hope Centre 676-677, 736-737
Level 2 Charger P1 91-93
P2 343-344, 367-372
Level 3 Charger P1 94-95
P2 345-346

Lions Gate Hospital (LGH)

​Lions Gate Hospital (LGH) provides a full range of general and many specialized acute care services, including general medicine, emergency and critical care, general surgery, orthopedics, maternity, pediatrics, psychiatry, chemotherapy, cardiac care, diagnostics, nuclear medicine, palliative care, rehabilitative services and neurosurgery.

Sexual Assault Services (SAS)

Sexual assault services (SAS) provide a specially trained team of female nurses, nurse examiners, doctors and counsellors that provide care 24 hours a day.