北岸 Foundry 服务中心的 Foundry Works
- 211 West 1st Street North Vancouver, BC V7M 1C9
- Main: (604) 984-5060
Foundry Works 是一项新的就业和教育支持计划,面向有兴趣工作、上学或完成某个培训课程的年轻人。 Foundry Works 帮助年轻人培养实现目标所需的技能和经验。该计划适用于年龄在 15-24 岁、目前未就业或未参加任何其他就业计划的卑诗省青年。
Foundry Works 适用于年龄在 15-24 岁、目前未就业或未参加任何其他就业计划的卑诗省青年。
- 星期一: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期二: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期三: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期四: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期五: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期六: 休息
- 星期日: 休息
Foundry North Shore
Foundry North Shore is where any youth or parent in our community can easily access the help they need when they need it. It is an integrated youth and family initiative that will transform how mental health and substance use services are delivered on the North Shore, providing early intervention to support young people's well-being.