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Home & community care

A range of support and services for people with acute, chronic, and palliative health care needs such as home health services, home support or long-term care.

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In this section

Adult Day Programs

0 services

Assisted living

2 services

Home health & support

2 services

Long-term care

2 services

Palliative care

10 services


  • How to access home and community care

  • How to access palliative care

  • Adult Day Programs

  • Assisted Living

  • Choice in Support for Independent Living

  • Every Day Counts Program

  • Caregiver Support

  • Home Support

  • Long-Term Care Homes

  • Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

  • Overnight Respite Programs

  • Palliative Care in Your Home

  • Palliative Care in Hospitals

  • Palliative Care in Long-Term Care Homes

  • Palliative Care through Outpatient Clinics and Programs

  • Home Health

Senior woman sitting peacefully in an indoor garden.

The home and community care services team will help you prepare for an assessment, develop your care plan, and go over what to expect.

How to access home and community care services

More about home and community care

Celebrating the power of art and community with Richmond seniors

Goals of care conversations

Bringing nature indoors: Tranquility Lounge provides therapy for long-term care residents

Creating a backup plan for the unexpected

Home health equipment & supplies

George Pearson Centre Redevelopment

Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment