Sewer systems filings ensure sanitary disposal of waste and sustainable design of communities.

Under the BC Sewerage System Regulation every owner who wants to construct, alter or repair a sewerage system must retain the services of an Authorized Person. An Authorized Person is a Professional or a Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner.

How to access

Before construction of a sewerage system, an authorized person must submit a record of sewerage system filing to the local health authority.  Our staff will contact you within one business day to collect payment for record of sewerage system filings.

Once the construction of a sewerage system has been completed, a signed letter of certification must be submitted to the local health authority by the authorized person within 30 days of completion.

NOTE: Due to the security features of some web browsers, such as Google Chrome, the “Email to” button within the form may not launch your default email program. If this occurs, download and save a copy of the completed permit application on your computer and click on the “Email to” button to launch your default email program.

Contact us

If you have questions or issues related to environmental health, inspections or facility licensing, you can reach us using the health protection feedback form or through your local health protection office.

Health protection feedback Health protection offices