Transitional Pain Clinics

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Transitional pain clinics are short-term outpatient clinics that provide pain management services before and after surgery to reduce the risk of transitioning from acute to chronic post-surgical pain.

The Transitional Pain Clinic (TPC) team consists of

  • Pain Specialist Physicians,
  • Registered Nurses,
  • a Psychologist,
  • a Physiotherapist,
  • an Occupational Therapist, and
  • a Pharmacist.

What to expect

The program aims to help you decrease the risks associated with long-term use of prescription opioids and increase your knowledge of pain and how to manage it to improve your quality of life, including return-to-normal activities.

This is a non-emergency clinic and cannot prescribe opioids or provide client services until pain-specific assessments have been completed. 

Specialized pain management services offered include:

  • Medication monitoring to safely taper opioids and optimize non-opioid medications
  • Optimising physical function before surgery
  • Supporting safe gradual increase in physical function after surgery and return to daily activities
  • Education about pain science, breathing strategies and pain self-management strategies
  • Providing early healthcare support by offering pain services after the first assessment which is usually within two weeks from discharge. This may help to reduce pain crises and unexpected emergency hospital visits.

Care is provided during individual appointments with clinical staff and physicians as well as with group education sessions. When in-person appointments are not possible, telephone or video appointments can be offered if appropriate. We see patients before surgery, after surgery, or both.



What happens after completing TPC Services

Upon completion of the TPC services, patients are discharged to their Primary Care Provider or to other community resources. Discharge plans will include recommendations for pain and opioid management, and when appropriate, referral to community resources, including other pain clinics. 

After discharge, the TPC team will be available by phone to support primary care teams for a maximum of three months. 

This service is available at
This service is available at

Transitional Pain Clinic at Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre

2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
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