Bella Coola mountains

Need help immediately?

If there is a life-threatening safety concern, please call 9-1-1 or go to the Emergency Department at your nearest hospital.

Suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-784-2433

BC Crisis Line: 604-310-6789

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Indigenous Crisis and Support Line - KUU-US Crisis Support Line: 1-800-588-8717

Harm reduction: Toward the Heart 

How to access mental health and substance use services in the Central Coast communities

Contact intake teams for help finding non-life-threatening mental health or substance use support for people if you live or stay in the Central Coast communities including Bella Bella and Bella Coola and surrounding areas. 

When you connect with us, our teams can connect you to the right services or resources when and where you need them. 

Free interpreting services are also available in other languages.

Find your intake team

Foggy coastline near Bella Bella

Bella Bella Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Available to residents of Bella Bella, Denny Island, Heiltsuk Nation, or surrounding Nations, ages 19 and up who are experiencing mental health concerns both with or without substance use concerns. No physician referral is needed.

Learn more

Bella Coola Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Available to residents of Bella Coola or surrounding areas ages 19 and up experiencing mental health concerns both with or without substance use concerns. No physician referral is needed.


    • Access Central

      A phone line providing screening and information to substance use services and resources, with a focus on bed-based withdrawal management (detox).

    • Bella Coola Community Support Society

      Services and programs for addictions, children and family services and more.

    • Foundry BC

      Self-referral accepted. Virtual services through the Foundry BC app.

    • Heiltsuk Káxḷá Child and Family Services

      A non-profit child, youth, family and community organization that provides support services in Bella Bella, home to the Haíɫzaqv.

    • Heiltsuk Health Centre

      The Heiltsuk Health Centre has a vision for a healthy community that respects equality and diversity.

    • Lighthouse

      Lighthouse is a free virtual clinic that uses telephone appointments to provide medical treatment and short-term stabilization for people who use substances.

    • Nuxalk Nation

    • Clicklaw: Bella Coola Legal Advocacy Program

      Provides free and confidential legal advocacy services.

    • WorkBC Centre - Bella Coola

      Access job search resources, employment planning, skills assessment, training, work experience placement and more.