Need help immediately?

If there is an urgent safety concern, please call 9-1-1 or go to emergency at your nearest hospital.

Suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-784-2433

Call BC Crisis Line: 604-310-6789

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

BC Wide Indigenous Toll-Free Crisis and Support Line - KUU-US Crisis Support Line: 1-800-588-8717

Harm reduction: Toward the Heart 

Find support near you

Our teams are available to help you, your family member or friend to find help with mental health and substance use in your Vancouver Coastal Health community, whether you live in Bella Bella, Richmond, Vancouver, or in any other community we serve.

Start your search


  • Access Central - Detox Referral Line

  • Central Addiction Intake Team (CAIT)

  • Overdose Outreach Teams

  • Harm Reduction Supplies & Needle Distribution Sites

  • Addiction Medicine

  • Addiction Recovery Program (ARP)

  • Detox Services

  • Drug Checking

  • Family Support & Involvement Program

  • Intensive Case Management Teams

  • Lighthouse Virtual Substance Use Care Clinic

  • Mental health and substance use supported housing

  • Mental Health and Substance Use Outpatient Services

  • Primary Care Clinics

  • Safe Babies Program

  • Sheway Pregnancy Outreach Program

  • Sisters Together Active in Recovery (STAR)

  • SMART Recovery

  • Substance Use Counselling

  • Substance Use Public Education

  • Substance-Use Treatment And Response Team (START)

  • Vancouver Addiction Matrix Program (VAMP)

  • The Junction

  • Youth Central Addiction Intake Team (CAIT)

  • Youth Concurrent Disorders Services

  • Youth Clinics

  • Youth Day Treatment Program

  • Youth Home Stabilization Program

  • Youth Intensive Case Management Teams (YICMT)

  • Supporting and Connecting Youth (SACY) Substance Use Prevention Initiative

  • Supporting and Connecting Youth Leadership & Resiliency Program

  • How to access mental health and substance use services

Substance use resources

Decriminalization of controlled substances for personal use

Overdose response, Naloxone and training

Substance use resources for children, youth and families

Substance use and harm reduction resources for health professionals and service providers

Take-home fentanyl test strips prove useful as low-barrier drug checking approach

Guidelines for opioid addiction & treatment