
소아청소년과 그 가족을 위한 불안증 자료

Group of teens smiling for a photo outside

걱정이나 긴장감을 느끼는 것은 일상생활의 정상적인 일부입니다. 누구나 때때로 불안감을 느낍니다. 경증에서 중등도의 불안은 주의력과 에너지 그리고 동기부여에 집중하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 불안이 심하면 두려운 사건의 실제 심각성이나 가능성에 비례하지 않는 무력감, 혼란, 극심한 걱정을 느낄 수 있습니다.

다른 지원 옵션과 정보를 찾고 계신가요?

소아청소년 정신건강과 물질사용 부분에서 정신건강과 물질사용 지원을 위한 서비스, 자료 등을 찾아보세요. 

아래 자료는 밴쿠버 코스탈 헬스(Vancouver Coastal Health) 외부단체에서 관리합니다. 이 자료는 영어로 제공됩니다.

Featured resources

Bounce Back


A free mental health skill-building program based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for people aged 13+ experiencing mild to moderate anxiety or depression.

Learn more


Anxiety Canada

A registered charity and non-profit organization providing accessible, self-help, peer-reviewed and trusted resources on anxiety.

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My Anxiety Plan (MAP) for Children and Teens

MAP is a resource for parents and caregivers to “coach” anxious children or teens using practical strategies and tools to manage anxiety. MAP includes 6 units with 46 lessons.

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Kelty Mental Health | Anxiety

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More resources

    • MindShift® CBT App

      A free app with proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to take charge of your anxiety.

    • Y-Mind Teen

      A free seven-week mental wellness program for teens ages 13 to 18 who are experiencing symptoms of mild-to-moderate anxiety or stress. Participants learn and practice evidence-based strategies to help manage anxiety.

    • Kelty Mental Health | Breathr App

      Breathr provides opportunities for youth and young adults to try a variety of mindfulness practices that can be used anywhere.

    • Taming Worry Dragons

      A creative approach to CBT and psychoeducation designed to help anxious children learn how to cope with their worries. Interactive activities and worksheets that parents and child can use to conquer anxiety and fear.

    • Confident Parents Thriving Kids: Anxiety

      A skill-building program designed to help parents support their children aged 3 to 12 who are experiencing mild to moderate challenges with anxiety.


  • Taming Worry Dragons
  • Dragon Worries
  • Bye-Bye Time
  • When I miss you
  • A Thought is a Thought
  • What to Do when You Worry too much
  • The Ant Hill Disaster
  • Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers

소아청소년을 위한 정신건강과 물질사용 지원서비스에 대한 정보를 찾아보세요.